Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chat Logs

(02:54:18 PM) ME: now I'm dorking out and considering developing a wearable computer platform
(02:54:42 PM) ME: the question is still embedded vs. mini-pc
(02:55:00 PM) ME: but the 2 are coming closer together so in 5-10 years it will be moot.
(02:56:53 PM) willowhymn: that's pretty sweet. i don't know hardly anything about it, but everyone i hear that talks about it seems to be pretty intense about it.
(02:58:09 PM) ME: well I just want to do an experiment where I record everything I do for a few weeks. But I want to encrypt it incase of well... anything... so regular devices are out.
(02:58:51 PM) willowhymn: so what's in?
(02:59:57 PM) ME: Well I'm thinking I'll run linux on a small pc that will record, encrypt, and save all audio (maybe low-res video), gps, and misc notes.
(03:00:45 PM) willowhymn: that would cool; it would be like a multimedia journal
(03:01:00 PM) ME: exactly
(03:01:01 PM) willowhymn: almost like a digital scrapbook of sorts
(03:01:04 PM) willowhymn: i like that!
(03:01:56 PM) ME: but the challenge would be to find power, manage what I have recorded, securely, and then use it, and maybe a small screen, to feed the info back to me on demand.
(03:03:00 PM) willowhymn: hmmm how small of a pc are you talking about using?
(03:05:46 PM) ME: I want to mount it in a vest/jacket ( http://www.scottevest.com/v3_store/40_Tactical_System.shtml ) I got as a gift from my g/f and have it live there.
(03:06:37 PM) ME: so 1 1/2" x 6" x 8" max I guess... or more likely, 3 or so different modules in different pockets connected by cables.
(03:08:31 PM) willowhymn: that is frickin crazy
(03:09:09 PM) willowhymn: that is very versatile
(03:09:17 PM) ME: I know!
(03:10:05 PM) willowhymn: so, are you going to mount it where the screen can show? how would you do that? cut a hole in one of the pockets?
(03:11:33 PM) ME: nah, going to go with a small screen either beamed wirelessly to my cell phone display, a hud on glasses or watch, or who knows.
(03:12:00 PM) willowhymn: ooooh the glasses things are cool
(03:13:07 PM) ME: yeah, but expensive, easily broken, and just more wires to mess with. the cell phone thing seems like the coolest so far
(03:13:25 PM) willowhymn: true
(03:13:32 PM) willowhymn: damn reality
(03:22:25 PM) ME: cool, I just discovered my current phone can act as a display for a pc.
(03:22:31 PM) ME: and input.
(03:22:53 PM) ME: and it has bluetooth, so I can do it wireless
(03:23:34 PM) willowhymn: bluetooth is pretty nifty
(03:24:04 PM) ME: insecure as a key under the welcome mat, but nifty
(03:24:28 PM) willowhymn: yes :-)
(03:24:37 PM) willowhymn: nothing like keys with self-esteem problems

(11:05:07 AM) ME: any ideas?
(11:05:39 AM) SilverIolanthe: I had my cellphone cut off because being that connected stressed me out. Heh. I can't imagine walking around wired up like a Gargoyle.

Also, that someone might be recording up my nose from a chest mounted cam is fucking creepy.
(11:05:40 AM) SilverIolanthe: Call me old-fashioned but, DO NOT WANT.
(11:05:55 AM) ME: lol
(11:06:20 AM) ME: I plan on just audio, and encrypted so I'm the onlt person who could retrive the data
(11:06:20 AM) SilverIolanthe: *Luddite.*
(11:06:48 AM) ME: might be good for he said/she said stuff.
(11:07:04 AM) ME: or sampling for music
(11:08:11 AM) SilverIolanthe: There are some memories that are awesome because the less-than-cool things are blurred in the background and the things you like are in the forefront. Wouldn't having everything recorded take some magic out of memories?
(11:09:01 AM) ME: nope, that's what the delete button is for. plus what about all the ones you don't have, but could, with this device?
(11:09:31 AM) ME: where do you blur the line between memory and data once the system is intergrated?
(11:10:27 AM) SilverIolanthe: This sounds like philosophical excuses for gadget fondling. Hehe.
(11:10:39 AM) ME: Fondling a-plenty!
(11:10:54 AM) ME: But lets not lose sight of the true goal...
(11:11:03 AM) ME: To WIN arguments!
(11:11:14 AM) SilverIolanthe: I don't need gadgets.
(11:11:19 AM) SilverIolanthe: I have a short term memory.
(11:11:30 AM) ME: 'I told you to turn the water off before working on the pipes'
"No you didn't"
(11:12:15 AM) ME: *rewinding sound followed by playback*
"Remember to turn the water o--- F$%k the dog shat on my eye!"
(11:12:40 AM) SilverIolanthe: But how can we be assured that the recordings haven't been tampered with?
(11:12:42 AM) ME: See honey! the !@#$!% dog shat in my eye, I TRIED to tell you
(11:13:17 AM) ME: My device will make CRC's MD%'s and shit when it is written to disk.

(12:01:21 PM) CKJ89: It's a similar deal for bootleging shows
(12:01:27 PM) CKJ89: 2 tiny electret condenser mics
(12:01:51 PM) CKJ89: I'm assuming you want to captures peoples conversations for some reason?
(12:01:59 PM) CKJ89: consealed?
(12:02:01 PM) ME: who makes some good price/performance ones? Not sure who is who in the electret world.
(12:02:45 PM) ME: Doesn't have to be concealed too much, I'm not NARCing anyone out, just recording for my own project. (I plan on encrypting everything before it hits the disk just in case)
(12:03:13 PM) CKJ89: There are a couple options. You can just buy out of a electronics catalog some mics and build a little preamp board. Can be battery powered.
(12:03:41 PM) ME: part of the plan involves having a 2 minute buffer where I can save the sampl HIFI before it is downsampled and mp3 encoded for archive
(12:04:24 PM) CKJ89: http://www.kingstate.com.tw/9-5.htm
(12:04:28 PM) ME: so if I hear something cool, I can hit a button and get at least a cd quality sample in stereo lossless, vs mp3.
(12:04:54 PM) CKJ89: http://www.epanorama.net/circuits/microphone_powering.html
(12:05:12 PM) ME: nice link, I'm just fretting over one more thing to have to power... sheesh!
(12:05:39 PM) CKJ89: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-ECM-DS70P-Electret-Condenser-Microphone/dp/B00006HOLL
(12:05:45 PM) CKJ89: You could start wearing a bow tie

(02:38:55 PM) CKJ89: An interesting note on electret condenser. Most of them will run on a 9V battery. An extremely simple mic pre that uses a 9V. http://www.epanorama.net/circuits/micamp.html
(02:39:28 PM) CKJ89: For powering the electret itself. http://www.epanorama.net/documents/audio/electret.html
(02:40:05 PM) CKJ89: what inspired this project?
(02:41:12 PM) ME: I got in an argument with someone and we both had vastly different memories of what was said by whom after getting some tech jackets.
(02:41:51 PM) CKJ89: where in it though?
(02:42:50 PM) ME: the jacket has plenty of places, I was thinking shoulders,
(02:42:54 PM) ME: for the mics.
(02:43:13 PM) CKJ89: Colar
(02:43:17 PM) CKJ89: Mono or stereo?
(02:43:30 PM) ME: And have a program or circuit to default to the other mic if it gets a super loud sound that the other mic doesn't (in case of rubbing against something/one
(02:43:45 PM) ME: stereo when possible, but might mix to mono when I encode
(02:44:56 PM) ME: so the sound path would be: record stereo hi-fi, 2-5min hifi buffer, convert to mono mp3, encrypt, write to media.
(02:45:19 PM) CKJ89: cool.
(02:46:03 PM) CKJ89: There is a company that is making a baseball cap that has two electret microphones in it. I saw it at a trade show one year. They had some bootlegs of some shows they claim came from that thing. They sounded awesome!
(02:46:30 PM) ME: hrmm.. sounds interesting... I'll look it up, send me a link or info if you recall any more details.
(02:46:41 PM) CKJ89: I'll see if I can find it.
(02:47:14 PM) ME: I'd rather have it in the jacket though... a single item VS a bunch of junk.
(02:47:34 PM) CKJ89: So second goal is to shrink the thing small enough to fit in the space your gullbladder used to be. Go in for gullbladder remove come out with super computer in your bouls. It can charge like those flashlights you shake. Every step you take cause it to charge alittle.
(02:47:53 PM) ME: I think if I went with a hat, it would need cam/video as well as long as I'm doing it....
(02:48:25 PM) CKJ89: also, have you looked at "spy" shops
(02:48:38 PM) CKJ89: they have super small devices
(02:49:07 PM) ME: yeah, but for the $$$ I might as well just do most of it DIY and it will be just about as good.
(02:49:23 PM) CKJ89: perhaps not as small and power efficient
(02:49:38 PM) CKJ89: but deff. as good quality and cheaper
(02:50:20 PM) ME: yeah, for video, quality would be low priority, but for audio, I'd like a somewhat linear response
(02:51:02 PM) CKJ89:
"don't talk to him! You could get your self into some shit."
Something happenes around you and you get a court order to turn over all your crap.
(02:51:04 PM) CKJ89: Oh fun
(02:51:30 PM) CKJ89: HAHA Big Brother? Is it you?
(02:51:50 PM) CKJ89: It's language will be Newspeak 2.3
(02:51:52 PM) ME: hehe, that's why I'm working on encryption first
(02:51:54 PM) ME: lol
(02:52:17 PM) ME: I do/talk about some things I do NOT want available.
(02:52:31 PM) ME: like your mom.
(02:52:42 PM) CKJ89: Court order and if you don't decrypt they will arrest you
(02:52:44 PM) CKJ89: HAHA
(02:52:46 PM) CKJ89: Your momma
(02:53:10 PM) ME: Yes, but if the info is already purged, there is no way to know.
(02:53:45 PM) CKJ89: you could do multi layers of decryption. If you do the first one it nukes the last one or something.

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