Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cyborglogging Gloging Waht?!

Ok, so i start looking at existing wearable designs for ideas. What I tend to see, is intense specialization. I want an all-purpose device, while others want something to count cards or time roulette wheels (yes, all you wearable geeks should know the FIRST wearable pc was to cheat casinos, let nobody say we have not a noble lineage!) but something that does a bit of everything and can be configured to do new things when needed without a 2 week, knock-down, drag-out coding and troubleshooting session. I'm making this to save time, capture it, not waste it.

One of the first uses that roughly parallels mine is Cyborglogging. this is tied in inexorably with other topics such as Sousveillance

and this apparently opens a whole new can of worms:
There's an interesting discussion going on the identity trail on what Steve Mann and Ian Kerr are calling "equiveillance", where a kind of inverse surveillance, which Mann calls "sousveillance" is used to balance the ubiquitous surveillance practices of government and commerce. The basic question is whether the negative consequences of widespread surveillance and collection of personal data can be balanced by individuals, who are being watched, monitoring and recording those engaged in that surveillance.

from Ray Corrigan's blog: http://b2fxxx.blogspot.com/2006/01/equi-veillance.html

more links:

eyetap i guess evolved into glogger. Interesting guy and resources.

more soon!

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